Night of the Mannequins
by Stephen Graham Jones
Rating: 3/5 stars
Pages: 144
Genre: Horror
Release Date: June 16, 2020
Publisher: Tor.com
ISBN: 9781250752079
Price: $13.99 (USD)
After a prank goes horribly wrong, a group of teens and their families find themselves the targets of something malicious. But as it unfolds, who can be sure what exactly is causing this mayhem?
This book is a quick and disturbing read and I very much enjoyed the time that I spent with it. It has an excellent unreliable narrator, and as the book went on, I questioned more and more what was going on it. Throughout the book, the tension and the dread just built up layer over layer, and ultimately, I had trouble putting the book down, cause I just had to know what was going to happen. My only complaint is that I wanted a little more than what it gave and I think if it had been longer, the build-up would've been a little better.
Overall, I’m going to keep this review short, because it’s a short novella and I don’t want to spoil anything, but I’ll recommend this to anyone who’s looking for 80’s horror and enjoys a good unreliable narrator.
Stephen Graham Jones is the author of twenty-five or so novels and collections, and there’s some novellas and comic books in there as well. Most recent is The Only Good Indians. Next is Night of the Mannequins. Stephen lives and teaches in Boulder, Colorado. To learn more about him, check out his website!
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** Thanks to NetGalley and Tor.com for providing me with an eARC of this book**
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